“...and one day it may just happen when you stop in front of a painting and think, ‘Wow, I know why I love it.’ Just like that — another beautiful discovery... ”
As children, we have the ability to look at things with simple and unwavering wonder and joy. Without analyzing and looking for their purpose, we can feel emotion and see the beauty in a simple object or the existence of something and stay in that moment, with no explanation necessary.
Similarly in my work, I find immense excitement in the artistic process...from endlessly pacing around at the studio, thinking, and looking at what I am working on, to a lovely realization of how certain things relate and connect to one another. My work is an ever-changing ebb and flow of many different interconnected series I have worked on for over 30 years – from abstract to more representational.
It is rooted in a constant curiosity that fuels the mind that, in turn, churns out endless ideas and possibilities. And however farfetched these ideas may seem sometimes, they often connect in beautiful and unexpected ways.